Friday, February 3, 2012

Discussion Questions for 2/3

1. Although Charlotte's marriage seems rather business like, Austen describes it as simple and direct. Is she including a statement about the absurdity of everyone else's situation by including Charlotte's straightforward opinion of marriage?
2. What do you think is Mr. Collins' true motivation for getting married?


  1. I agree with what was said during our class discussion today that Mr Collins true motive for getting married was desperation. I think he was trying to redeem himself after getting rejected by the Bennet girls. Mr. Collins wanted to seem noble by marrying into the Bennet family so the family could keep the inheritance. However, when he lost his chance with Jane and was shot down by Elizabeth, he quickly turned around and asked Charlotte to marry him. He did not even have the chance to get to know who she was as a person. It had nothing to do with love.

  2. To answer the second question - I think that Collins cares too much about what other people think. If he thinks that people will respect and esteem him more if he's married, then he will get married.
