Friday, January 27, 2012

The Writers Craft

When I read a novel, one of the the first things I look for is relatable characters. In this book I really cannot find any that I really enjoy or actually worry about as the plot progresses. While all of his characters have somewhat distinct personalities (I am sure someone will contest me on this), Hemingway has yet to make me care about them.While I will admit that I do have a tolerate-dislike relationship with the majority of Hemingway's writing, which admittedly, might skew my opinion a bit; I cannot help but feel that this is an issue that is keeping me from enjoying the book. I do not know how many of my fellow classmates are having this problem (I assume not many) or one similar, but it would be interesting to read about what everyone thinks.


  1. Not only are the characters not relatable, they're downright terrible people. The only sympathetic character, to me, is Cohn, but everyone else dislikes him so much that he finally snaps and becomes even more unlikable than before.

  2. Well, I think their status as "terrible people" is debatable, but at the same time, that terribleness is what makes them work for me as real characters. Their pettiness, their flaws, their desires--all very compelling stuff.
