If there was something that stood out to me while reading this book it was Yunior's slow progression from the stereotypical hyper masculine maschismo to a more well rounded character. This was interesting developement that kicked off just like any: simply by watching/participating in something new. Considering that it seems like the rest of the book Oscar seems to be catering to and trying to become like the guy that Yunior is.
This adds a new level of complex thinking and character developement to the mix. The stereotypical guy is trying to, pardon the cliche, find himself and to have hobbies that wont give him herpes. Not that there is anything wrong with sex (there isn't), it's just interesting to see the slow one sided switch; considering that Oscar himself never actually turned into a hypermasculine Dominican male. Which was probably for the better, considering that it allowed him to live longer than he would have if he started having sex at fourteen or something.
While Oscar is trying to essentially fufill his lifes mission of getting laid (without any success), Yunior is slowly trying out new activities in life, such as: reading, writing, gaming and all the nerdy things that some misguided people tease others about. I wonder if Yunior ever played Dungeons and Dragons? That would be awesome, I'd totally play in his campaign. But I digress, now I also believe it was interesting that Yunior tried to help Oscar get some tail.
He did not have to do that (I know it was for Lola, but look what happened to that relationship) and one of my favorite lines was when Yunior talked about how he was stuck with Oscar for life. Perhaps it was for selfish reasons, such as trying to make Yunior feel better, or perhaps there was more than that. Maybe instead of Yunior just wanting to get into Lola's pants, he actually wanted (deep down) to help out poor old Oscar. That, my friends, is when I believe that the conversion started. Slowly, Yunior began to pick up more Oscar-isms than Oscar was Yunior-isms. This showed the differences in emotional maturity between the two, and perhaps just shows why Yunior had more success as a nerd than Oscar as a masculine playboy.
Maybe that is what it comes down to, they both did help each other out; but Yunior, I believe, benefited the most from knowing Oscar.
Interesting! I hadn't really considered who got the most out of knowing each other, Oscar or Yunior. I think your right that over time it does show that Yunior got the better deal since Yunior is still alive, and able to write a book, and Oscar is dead.