Saturday, April 21, 2012

Is gender on its way out?

Throughout this semester, we have been questioning texts in their male or female contexts. We've been constantly discussing role reversals and rejections as well as gender being the source of dis-empowerment. While these are all extremely interesting to talk about within their historical contexts, I wonder if the importance of gender is on its way out. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not intending to beat the "I can wear dresses and be a construction worker if I want" theme over the head. I think that there are many inequalities in our country that are based on sex differences. There is still a glass ceiling and it seems like a female's reproductive rights are on everyone's mind right now(which is totally weird hearing a bunch of old dudes discuss ovaries). This being said, I am a firm believer that throughout history and today, things get their worst before they get better.

 I feel like society is in a place right now that is very feminine focused, for better or for worse. I think that the issues of men get ignored and discounted. No one talks about how damaging things like promiscuity and gender roles are onto the men of our society. There aren't countless magaznes dedicated to how men can learn to like themselves more and break societal norms. Many women are lashing out against the stereotype of the male sex addict by trying to make it mean less to them. We've all heard the old "have sex like a man" or "do business like a man" or for God's sake "THINK like a man". These are so harmful to both genders, and I believe that like many problems in our society (race, class, sexual orientation) the only way to make things better is to stop insisting that there are inherent differences. There is no weaker, smarter, more sensitive, talented or sexually active sex. I believe that our genders and all of the things that they represent are being edged out slowly. Does anyone believe that our society needs gender roles to function?


  1. Are they inherently needed for society to function? No, I don't think so. But they're so ingrained in our society that I don't know how we could do away with them without completely changing it at the fundamental level. I don't know whether or not they should exist, but either way I don't think they're leaving any time soon. The best we can do is lessen the harmful aspects of gender roles.

  2. I agree with your statement and Bennett's. I agree that there is no weaker, smarter, more sensitive, talented or sexually active sex. Men and women fall into a broad spectrum of different strengths and weaknesses. I do agree with Bennett that societal views on gender are implanted into our heads from infancy to adulthood. Unless the population as a whole were to change I don't see it happening. The society will still view male sexuality and female domesticity as more acceptable then female sexuality and male domesticity.

  3. Gender roles help to define how we see ourselves and develop into grown people. While they are taken too far too often, they do give us guidelines for personal development. The guideline are only that, and it's not to say that one cannot develop any other way, but the guidelines do give us a "normal" that we can start at.

  4. I agree with this too. Ever since I was a kid, I've seen and heard all the various stereotypes that society has classified men and women into. I think there will always be that competition going on between the two genders because they feel they have something to prove to achieve more respect. I don't expect to ever see a time when one gender isn't judged or stereotyped in would take all the drama out of it. ;)

  5. I propose genetic alterations to the entire species to make humans mono-gendered!
